Feedback And Complaints

One of the best ways Independent Life Service can enhance both individual outcomes and the services provided across the board is with your input.
If you have any positive or negative feedback about any of the Independent Life Service programs, kindly let us know.
Your input could lead to better communication, more assistance and services, and perhaps even modifications to the way services are provided and policies are implemented.


Any of the following can be the subject of a complaint:
A possibility to learn something new arises from complaints, such as:

Procedure for filing a complaint

Speaking with the relevant Support Coordinator, Plan Manager, or Independent Life Service’s General Manager can help resolve a lot of problems. Anytime, you have the option to lodge a complaint in person, over the phone, or in writing.
We promise to handle every complaint with care and discretion, and we’ll do all in our power to resolve the issue as soon as it arises. A Feedback and Complaints Contact Person is provided by Independent Life Service, who can answer any questions you may have regarding the procedure and provide you with an update on the progress of any concerns you have reported. A Feedback, Compliments, and Complaints Form may be completed and submitted to the General Manager, the Support Coordinator, the responsible Plan Manager, or the Contact Person for Feedback & Complaints. Please give +61 411 400 662 a call if you would like to speak with the Feedback and Complaints Person or obtain a copy of the Feedback, Compliments, and Complaints Form.

WHAT ARE Independent Life Service'S GOALS?