Application For Employment Form

Home / Application For Employment Form

    We are committed to equal opportunity and do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, religion, national origin, handicap, or any other legally protected status. It is our goal to provide equal opportunity to all qualified applicants and to make hiring decisions based on job-related criteria.

    • Please double-check that you've filled out the Employment Application Form correctly.
    • If your application is accepted, the Recruitment Manager will contact you through email and WhatsApp to schedule an interview.

    Personal Details

    More about you

    [group can-drive-car]
    [group superannuation-fund-name] [/group]

    Emergency Contact Details

    How did you hear about us?

    Your previous experience

    [group previous-work]

    Health & Wellbeing

    [group doYouSmoke]
    [group doYouAllergies]
    [group doYouOsteoporosis]
    [group doYouExistingPhysical]
    [group doYouBackNeck]
    [group doYouBadShoulder]
    [group doYouInjuries]

    Employment History (Relevent to this role)

    Diversity & Inclusion

    [group gender]

    Please list 3 references (2 Must be your past employers or professional references)

    Criminal Declaration

    [group doYouConvictions]
    Please describe in details
    [group doYouDisciplinary]
    [group doYouConvicted]
    Are you under Police investigation or have police charges pending for theft, drugs, fraud, poor driving, and drink driving or aggravated assault on another person?
    [group doYouPoliceInvestigation]

    Your Availability in a week

    Write N/A if you are not available on any day.

    Applicant's Declaration

    I declare that all statements which I have made on this Application for Employment are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and understand that any misstatement of material facts may affect the success of this or any future employment application with the company. I further understand that failure to provide information or falsely stating any information may result in termination of employment. I further understand and accept that my roster (if applicable) may be changed at any time with due regard to relevant awards and/or enterprise agreement conditions. I also accept that I may be required to undertake a pre-employment medical examination by a Company-appointed GP prior to commencing employment. This pre-employment medical will be based around the inherent requirements of the position/s applied for, and any information will be made available to the Company prior to any offer of employment. I also confirm that I am able to maintain the required standards of fitness, safety, courtesy and neatness at all times and observe all rules and policies of the Company including due care and responsibility of Company property, equipment and monies. I agree to actively participate in random drug and alcohol testing as required. I authorize the hiring company to contact former employers and educational organizations regarding my employment and education. I authorize my former employers and educational organizations to fully and freely communicate information regarding my previous employment, attendance, and grades. I authorize those persons designated as references to fully and freely communicate information regarding my previous employment and education.

    Documents you should need to upload for Staff Application

    Note: Please ensure the following documents are uploaded to the application portal